i so love friday evenings....even if this is all i do.....a wonderful time or rest and relaxation....the rest of my evening consists of going to the soccer game with the beautiful and o'so sweet natalie (one of those times you say yes and dont really wanna go) i think soccer is one of, if not the most boring sports to watch.....especially if it is cold.....and it might rain....so....if i feel a drop i am bailing....then tomorrow my parents, natalie, i, and the taylor two are going to college station for a fun-filled day of aggie basketball(women and men)...women take on OU (O-who?) and they are said to be one of the best teams in the nation....the men take on baylor for baylor men's 5th or 6th game of the yr...should be a pretty good match....hopefully it will be some nice bonding time, and get to see meg and clay as well so that is always such a joy....next wknd starts the business evry wknd.....chile bowl next wknd, then comes fbc p-ville D-now and then after that comes hot hearts w/ jeff berry and wes hamilton at highland lakes, and then to round out the month on the 25th is chris tomlin, matt redmond, and louie giglio at austim music hall.!!!!...now that, i am looking forward to....unitl next time (whenever that might be)