Tuesday, June 10, 2008

beach break day 2 (yes it was a long day)

it's been a long day and i wasn't even in the sun that long...just got back from aransas pass with nic. we went and bought some supplies for tomorrow's rec and dinner.

tonight's worship was awesome. i love when God moves in spite (i think i'm using that correctly. if not, you know what i mean) of different things happening or not happening around us.

set list was as follows:

wholly yours
mighty to save
from the inside out
jesus paid it all (kristian stanfill version)

the last song really rocked out. the added portion being "o praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead." i love that.

the rest of my day was really uneventful. my morning "tribe" or group talk time went nowhere. nobody wanted to talk. i was frustrated for sure.

we had an awesome church time where everyone laid on the basketball court and looked up at the stars singing "God of wonders" and "amazing grace (my chains are gone)" that was awesome.

here's the video from today. (jo, we miss you and really really wish you were here. hopefully these do make you feel like you were here!)



randman said...

Hey Bud,

What happened to "Day 2?"
We moved from Day 1 to Day 3.
Was it that long of a day?

randman said...
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Johanna said...

I agree with dad, you are a little off in your counting days since sunday was day zero, but then again when you posted it was day three but it was day two happenings...anyways thanks, love you and miss you